Membership Subscriptions

Subscription rates are agreed annually at the AGM in May. Current rates are:

Fellows Reduced:£50.00
New Graduates:£40.00
Students:£  0.00
Joint Supplement:  £10.00

Fellows who graduated medically forty or more years ago are entitled, on application, to pay the Fellows Reduced rate.

Students currently pay no subscription and this is unlikely to change.

Associates will not pay more than the Fellows Reduced rate.

Joint subscriptions are calculated by taking the average of the two individual subscriptions and adding the Joint Supplement.


Subscriptions are due in advance annually on 1st November or next working day if that should fall on a weekend. We prefer to collect these by Direct Debit but will accept cheques.

Note that we no longer accept payment by Standing Order.

Those not currently paying by Direct Debit may wish to change to do so and may download a Direct Debit form for completion. Please return it to the Membership Secretary, and not to your bank.

The Constitution states that those in arrears with their subscription for more than six months shall be advised of the fact and if the arrears are not paid within three months of such advice shall be regarded as having allowed their membership to lapse. They may be re-instated subsequently at the discretion of Council after payment of the arrears.